Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Footsteps on the sands of time: Hannah Frank 1908-2008

I've been inspired to look back over this blog recently, which doesn't quite set it out as it happened, but does give an idea of the "unfolding" nature of this project.

My aunt Hannah Frank (Mrs Hannah Levy) died on 18th December 2008. I was so privileged to be able to be with her when she died - together with her nephew David Samuels and his wife Jemima. My mission - to make her a "household name in her lifetime" - seems to have worked. Her death was announced on BBC Radio Scotland - and on BBC Scotland Ceefax. And Glasgow University had, the day before she died, written to her offering her an Honorary Doctor of Letters in honour of her international reputation.

I think this article in the Jewish Chronicle in August last year, by Julia Weiner (who also wrote a lovely obituary this month) is about the best one I've read about the "mission":

and this one by Moira Jeffrey is a beautiful one about her art:

We're currently preparing for my aunt's Stone Setting and memorial service, to be held on 25th July 2009 at 10.30 a.m. at Cathcart Cemetery, Glasgow, and afterwards at Garnethill Synagogue, where some of her albums from the 1920s and more recent cuttings books will be on show at the Scottish Jewish Archives Centre.

1 comment:

Judith Coyle said...

's been a privilege for me to work on this too. Interested to hear about the stone setting. Will this be open to all who wish to pay their respects?